Old Spice, Axe, and Brut-(A way throw back), you think of the male grooming space, times are changing and men are more interested in their appearance. 

During an interview with Michael Sin, Co- Founder of Urban Cargo, Michael gave me his insights to why he started the business, especially in male grooming.

How Urban Cargo began?
While working at Coach, during the launch of the male retail division, Michael and his co-founders witnessed an explosion of consumption by men for retail products. Michael “followed this hunch, he did market research and found out that men were interested in buying grooming products other than the normal drugstore brands.” 
However, men are still not comfortable with the experience of getting a face analysis at Barney’s or Sephora, so Michael and his team launched Urban Cargo.

What is Urban Cargo?
"Urban Cargo is a paid subscription plan where men receive travel size grooming products, for $12.00 a month then after the trial sizes are over, the men make an educated decision to buy full size products on Urban Cargo website. This is a discrete way for men to try different products without feeling the pressure to buy a ton of product in one experience, and it has been great for business."

What types of products does Urban Cargo offer? 
 “Urban Cargo offers products from premium brands to lower price points- brands they partnered with are Alchemy Forever, Baxter of California, Malin & Goetz, and Wash with Joe. Urban Cargo offers products for all skin types and all races. So, an 18 year old can purchase a body wash within his price point, as well as a 35 year old professional can buy a higher end product. As Michael explained “by offering a wide range of price points they are able to capture a larger market share in this growing and emerging consumer market.”

Where can men buy Urban Cargo products?
 “Urban Cargo’s Growth Channel is strictly online-our market research shows that men are most comfortable making these types of purchases online and if the market dictates, they may open up a brick and mortar or a Pop-Up shop."

What have been the best selling products? 
“We have seen the best sellers, in the organic space; men are more apt to use a softer base shampoo that would not accelerate hair loss.”

What is your main grooming tip?
Always wear a SF 50 sunscreen, aging and wrinkles occur during the 20’s and when you go out even on overcast days the sun is still at its highest, one must use sun screen.”  Anti- aging products after a certain time do not work, in fact when the skin is damaged with lines and wrinkles; the only effect way to reverse this is through Botox or cosmetic surgery via a licensed Board Certified Plastic Surgeon one.

Michael left me with “three key nuggets” for all entrepreneurs thinking about starting a business:
1.       Always find a partner- it balances your energy- when you feel like calling it quits, they can then motivate you go further. Also, someone you trust will always give you accurate advice.
2.       Go to a co-working place in your city- NYC- Sunshine Suites, We Works, General Assembly Green Spaces, etc., you will feed off of the other positive energy of other entrepreneurs.
3.       START- Have an idea for a business- test it out, believe in you and get moving! When you need things such as photographers, web designers, you can always ask for help- help is out there.
4.       DO something you believe in and work at it non-stop! Entrepreneurs are creative at heart, Michael always keeps his iPad by his bed, never know when an inspiration or idea will hit.

So MEN, get to looking and feeling your best, check out Urban Cargo at www.Urbancargo.com


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