Simple Ways to De-Stress
Let's Take A Break from Click, Click
OK, most of us are not going to have the luxury of going to
Tibet to mediate with the monks, or spend a month in India learning from yogis.
But, we can do simple things to enhance our moods and de-stress.
I firmly believe in aromatherapy, that is why we wrote an article on candles.
I firmly believe in aromatherapy, that is why we wrote an article on candles.
There is something about coming into a citrus scented room,
for energy there is eucalyptus, and earthly tones to invoke the presence of
If we can’t get to the country anytime soon, we can look at
pictures and visualize you one with nature, whether it is on a country English
estate, or the Rocky Mountains, connecting with something that reminds of us
pure beauty centers the soul. I would suggest that you create a slide show,
with your favorite places, or flowers, plants, or even animals.
Meditation is the key in releasing all mental toxicity. You
don’t need to go to formal class, or chant, or ring bells. Steps to meditation-
lie down, in a comfortable room, and do deep breathes, and let all of your
concerns and fears go, surrender every concern to what is a higher power for
you. It is a proven fact that people who were diagnosed with high blood
pressure, who mediated at least three times a week, maintained a significantly
lower blood pressure than those who didn’t.
Affirmations are the key to centering your inner self. You
can create your own, affirmation-
“I am healthy and peaceful.” The right opportunities are
coming my way right now.
You can use your sacred text or a Great Book to get you started is: Experience Your Good
Now! Louise Hay, this book gives you a practical outline for every situation.
Avoid Negativity
There are certain things we can’t ignore some cuts off in
traffic, annoying co-workers, but the best piece of advice, I was given was not
to absorb people’s energy. If someone is angry and out of control, you don’t
have to feed into it, simply let them vent, while you silently affirm that you
are not them and their energy.
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