5 Ways to Slim Down this Fall

Many people go into nesting mode for the fall and winter months, then around March everyone wants that bikini body for May.

Good health should be a way of life.

So, how do you slim down in the fall when there is Halloween candy and one week of leftovers from Thanksgiving and out of town guests coming in for Thanksgiving or Black Friday sales?

1. Tip#1: Always eat a high fiber breakfast- I always have Irish Steel Cut Oats with one teaspoon of Agave Nectar.

2. Tip# 2: Always eat a salad with your main course, your heaviest meal of the day should be lunch, not dinner, the majority of countries have long had this way of life and half one tablespoon of vinegar before eating, vinegar is an appetite suppressant.

3. Tip# 3: Move every day, even if you don't want to do a DVD or gym, get off the subway one stop early and walk the rest of the way, walk your kids to school, and don't sit on the bench with the other parents gossiping, get out and get on the SWING yourself!

4. Tip#4: Have a Social Life outside of work, studies have shown people who are more engaged in life outside of work are mentally healthy and they just don't sit around talking about their problems, they are active and engaged. Meetup has every type of group imaginable, Urban Girls Squad for girlfriend friendly events, Your alumni group in your area. I went to undergrad in Philadelphia, but they have a large and vibrant alumni community in NYC.

5. Tip#5: Again Go to SLEEP! I already wrote about it so no need to go into details.

Here is to healthier and sexier YOU!


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