Vistaprint: It's More 250 B-Cards for $10

You know those ads 250 Business Cards for $10.00, I know you may think that is kinda cheesy, too good to be true.

Anyway, while I was planning my "Spring Gratitude" party they had a "deal" for the first ten invites for free and the next 20 for 6.99 with envelopes. I know you are thinking "the catch" quality must not be good or the design poor quality.

No, no, and nope! The invitations came on time and they were beautiful! So much so my guests wanted to know where I got the invites and the invites matched the color scheme of my party.

Fast forward, I just ordered my invites for my Thanksgiving Party, ten for free, plus I had 250 business cards that was included in the order for FREE! 

The only thing I had to pay for was the back color design on the invites and shipping, so 250 unique beautiful business cards and elegant Thanksgiving invites for 2.99. 

Total for everything???? $10.94.

Compared to Papyrus which cost a min. of $100.00 for invitation, even with a 20 % discount, you still come out way ahead!

Save, save...


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