Libraries Are More Than Just Books!

Growing up after I finished my morning chores, my mother would take me to library, so I can do reports and read and take out 2 books for my enjoyment.

Well, libraries have certainly evolved since then. 

Libraries have everything from Resume and Job Search skills, which is essential in this economy. Also, they have computer station where you can use the internet for job leads.

Interested in starting a small business?

They also have small business clinics and courses from ways to build your "brand" to financial analysis.

Some libraries have docking spaces, where people can go with a laptop and write their reports, novels, screenplays, etc.

Need something to do for your children?
In addition to classic story time they have jewelry and puppet making classes, they DVD's for rental.

In certain communities they guest speakers give talks on health and even health screening.

So, your tax payers money help support and keep these great establishments open better make good use of them!


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