Planning Your Children's Halloween Party

I know the personal party planning season officially begins with Halloween.

Option #1:
If you live in Manhattan, NYC the most pleasant experience I know is the Children's Halloween Parade in the West Village. When I was in grad school, I would hear the music and see the beautiful children dressed as colorful pumpkins, cheery witches, nothing ghoulish, and of course the parents seemed so happy and at peace being in the parade with the kids.

Invite a small group of your child's friends to a party at the home of one the parent's in your group. 
If you choose this option then make certain, you have foods that all children can eat-- especially with food allergies-- no nuts, dairy, etc. 
Have the other parents assist, someone in charge of decorations, the person who knows how to bake have that person make plain cupcakes-- many bakeries can not and will not say that their products are completely nut free, I learned this while ordering my niece's birthday cake.
Limit activities to no more than two simple games, then time to break it down and everyone pleasantly leave the party. Party should take no more than 2.5 hours.

Pumpkin Painting Handbook Comes In Handy!

Goodies for the Halloween Party!

You are a busy career man or woman, this doesn't mean that you have to miss out on the Halloween fun with your child. Ask HR well in advance and your bosses, what date can you can have an office Halloween party for the children of the employees; especially if you and your team is a top producing team, most companies wouldn't mind lending a conference room after business hours for one hour for you to reconnect with your child. Your child will always remember having that "special experience" of going to Mom's and Dad's office for that special day.

If you have teens, have them plan a Halloween party for kids at local charity.
One of the best undergraduate college experiences I have had, is  when we would transform our dorm into Halloween Hall. 
Every year we would invite the kids from the local Y with chaperone's and together we had a great time, there was trick o treating at designated areas, the guys in the Film Department always went above with designing set pieces for a Fun House, and creating realistic costumes, the teaching students were responsible for "story time" and of course we feed the children and took pictures. After the party we were filled with good memories and really had no time to involved in mischief.

So those are my options for Children's Halloween Parties.


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