Accu-Chek Eases Parental Fears

As part of going back to school, many parents who have children with Diabetes often wonder if they are going to the school nurse to take their medicine.

Or children with diabetes often feel embarrassed, when there Mom's tell the coach to call a time out, because again they have to take medicine.

Accu-Chek the maker of glucose test strips for diabetic patients have used technology to ease parents fears and have children with diabetes live normal lives.

The Accu-Chek Connect system is an integrated meter, app, and online portal which is designed to give you a window into your child's diabetes management any place and at any location.

It is designed so auto generated texts let you know glucose levels whenever your child tests, this way it gives you the parent a greater peace of mind and it ensures that your child is getting their medicine.

For more information please visit

This device is sold exclusively at Walgreens.

Thanks to Accu-Chek for making it possible for children and parents to live healthy lives.


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