Open Letter to My Techies

Year 2015 we are entering the final quarter of the year. I love my fellow tech entrepreneurs, I am kinda one of you, so here is my wish list:

1. If you are doing anything mobile start with Android, then we you break even you can switch to ioS. More Android users than Apple.

2. If you have a on demand alcohol service, include a signature drink mix, that's how you make real money. Or throw in Bartending services.

3. Figure out a way for job seekers to send resumes without giving employers access to their Google Drive or Entire Hard Drive, even USB.  Invent resume dropbox only.

4. Beauty Apps Glam Squad, Beautylish, and other on demand beauty apps, have stylists who are trained in ethnic hair, and bi racial hair. Venture out of Manhattan some times as well.

5. Shopping Apps and stylists Apps, in this space we need fast fashion stores and online portals for plus size women. Size 8 and up is considered plus size. Also, I don't need another discount and your technology guy is at the A list Fashion Shows. If I am a credible blogger, and consumer, we should be at the show s together: )

6. Medical on Demand we need more services for the elderly and caregivers. Hangover Cure can wait.

7. Entrepreneurs stop telling stories and make compelling business narratives especially during a pitch fest.

8. Medical teams, if you can't tell me that you are creating a device to replace colonoscopy bags and I have to sit through a 69 min lecture on the GI tract then, rethink your pitch.

9. Be humble and gracious, no you are not Mark Zuckerberg so stop saying your product is going to be the next Facebook.

10. Business equal money, how are you going to make money!

Thanks Technology Gods for answering my prayers and this Fall we can see some great products from great people.


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