Beauty Products for Love

This month is all about love, and when you are take care of yourself, you are showing the world, you are worthy of love.

So, last month we tried some new/old beauty products and we came up with the best for this winter.

You know I love to keep my nails in tip/top shape, here are the latest in nail colors for winter:

Bright Yellow- Cab Fare- Sephora/OPI for 9.50 or Cheeky--Butter London for 15.00

Maroon/Red- Curve-aceous- Sephora/OPI for 9.50 or True Blood Color by Debra Lippmann- 28.00

Sandy Bronze- Already Famous- Sephora/OPI for 9.50 or Shades of Grey by Julep- 15.00

All colors work well this year's color which is Emerald Green- Prosperity/Health.

I love the Sandy Bronze/Grey color for business meetings, job interviews, professional mixers.

Date  Nights:
Maroon/Red colors men love that especially with a top coat of "diamonds" from Nails, Inc.

Bright Yellow is when you really need a special pick me up, even if you can't wear to the office, you can wear it on your toes.


This is so important for the harsh winter elements:

1. Super Goop SPF 30- I know sunscreen? But, it works magic as a lotion, we were using it all January long, amazing results.

2. Pure Argan Oil/ Josie Maran- We bought this on sale in the beginning of January and used it on our feet because your feet can wonders for the feet.

Mascara: We tried Benefit A Little Bit BAD gal, it was compact and worked wonders without the big magic wand of some competitors.

Lip Gloss: M-A-C Notoriety- Maroon/Red blend, so it wasn't so shocking red, it didn't insult anyone.
                  M-A-C Oh Baby- Sandy Brown, that blends well with everything and is easy day to night.

So, those are our Beauty Picks for Feb. enjoy and love yourself!


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