Heart Warming - Pedicure

Warm Cream Pedicure

1. Hot/Warm Water in a Foot Bath.
2. 1 teaspoon of Epsom Salts
3. 2 drops of Lavender Oil
4. Your favorite Body Butter

Soak feet in foot bath of Epsom Salt and lavender oil for 30 min.

After soaking feet in the hot/warm bath for 30 min.

Slough off dread skin with pumice stone.

Dry feet thoroughly

In microwave put your favorite body butter in your plastic pedicure cup for 10 secs.

Message your feet with the warm lotion.

After feet are thoroughly messaged then, put your feet in white socks.

Do this all winter without nail polish and by the time Spring/Summer comes around, then you will have excellent feet for the Spring/Summer colors.



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