Shopping for Great Cause- Harboring Hearts

February is the month of love as we all know, however it is Heart Awareness Month.

We all have seen the ads for Heart Healthy eating, maintaining a normal blood pressure,etc.

My dear friend Michelle Javian Co- Founded, a great organization several years ago after she witnessed, her father's fight with heart disease and until his untimely passing.

Harboring Hearts(HH) is a national organization committed to the intervention, and support of the millions Americans that have heart disease.

The following are ways that you can help this great organization from NOW til the end of February.

1. Stop by and treat yourself, your significant other, and kids to a heart- healthy red velvet mini cupcakes, 100% of the proceeds will benefit HH.

2. Shop at (everything is fab!) 10% of the proceeds will benefit HH, BONUS if you sign-up for their newsletter, $1.00 will be donated to HH.

3. Get OUT!! Go Ice-Skating at every Thursday to Sunday from 2pm- 7pm and 10% of the proceeds will be benefit HH.

So, get to moving and shop for a worthy cause!

Cheers to!


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