Valentine's Day Partner Centered Focus Days.

Every day should be a day of love, especially if you are lucky enough to have found your soulmate.

We are proposing a two part Valentine's Day- Each dayfocused on each partner.

Valentine's Day Part I:

If you are preparing a special evening for your significant other, then you have to check yourself out of the picture!

1. If you are person who talks about work or your business at home, all the time, then for that one day don't do it. I never found talking about one thing all the time to be sexy, it is actually selfish.

1. Scent the room with your significant others favorite scented candles or diffusers.
2. Buy that person favorite flowers, not just the standard red roses, but all men and women have a special plant or flower that they hold dear to them.
3. Music: Have a play list on their favorite love songs, or the love song that reminds him of you/vice versa.

1. Wear his/her favorite color and outfit. Every guy loves his women in a particular outfit and vice versa.
2. Wear jewlery that he/she likes.
3. Same for color of nail polish and purfume and cologne.

Things to Do: Prelude to the Bedroom
1. Traditional Restaurants- His/ Her favorite if they discontinued your honey's signature dish, call in advance to see if the chef can re- create it.
2. Order- In: I don't mean take out either, you can hire a professionally trained chef to prepare your significant other's favorite dish.
3. After the dinner is over you can dance around the house or apartment to his/her favorite songs.

Remember, you are totally focused on your spouse and being in love with that person, so you going to emit as much love as possible to your gift.

This is when people expect sex tips! WRONG...
You should listen to your significant other, that person may want to cuddle the whole night. Give that person a choice:
1. Message
2. Warm Bath
3. Cuddling
4. Reading Poetry- Song of Solomon in the Old Testament has some real spicy stuff, and Ralph Waldo Emerson- Give to Love captures the essence of love beautifully.

Have them choose only one (be prepared for all) but only do one thing for that night, if you do ONE thing right, you wouldn't need a whole lot of other things..

Cheers to being or rekindling that love...


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