Job Hunting Tips

Everyone says the economy is slow and people aren't hiring, this maybe true, but here are some ways we found that could help.

1. Get rid of any signs of desperation. I know your credit cards are past due, your spouse and extended family are telling you are a slouch, you are libel to take the first thing that comes your way, only to find out it is the worse thing.

2. Mentor a small business owner.
If you are over 35 you have more skills that you know, go to your local college or community college, or business incubator program and ask to be a mentor to a start-up. This is a great way to have a work routine, get back to a professional setting, and sharpen your skills in the process. Treat this as a job and more than likely the start-up or the business host will give you a job.

3. Get up, get dressed and go out with people who are going to work and come back home during rush hour.
Even if you do this 3 days a week, you are conditioning your mind to rigors of work day, don't go shopping, go to the library which is free, computers are an hour a day, but you can read all the books for free and they have free workshops as well.

4. Buy a new wardrobe for work--Preparation meets opportunity!

Cheers to getting America back to work!


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