Savvvy Shopping!

After back to school shopping and Fall Designer launches we did discover some new ways to save and get more for your buck.

Now that the holiday season is approaching us fast, you should make certain that your credit card has a cash back feature, some credit cards during Oct to January offer this feature, one credit card is, also use your, points as well as your debit cards from your bank, major banks such as, does offer cash back and points towards goods.

A site that I love is that not only offers cash back but discount codes on all retailers including Bloomingdales, Saks, and Nordstrom.

Also check your RECEIPTS!! When I bought some items there was a 40 percent coupon, one receipt I filled out a survey and got free appetizers, another receipt was $5.00 the next purchase.

When new clothing line such as the 3.1 Philip Lim launch goes on live, it is best that you the retailers website the night before or one week before, it goes live, many retailers would test to see the marketability of a the line by releasing it a couple of days before.

Also if you order online, don't have your packages continually come to home, pick up your items in the store when the store opens, or during and off time, when it is less crowded. Last year several criminals were following UPS trucks and stealing packages off people's door steps.

We at Positivexpert want you to safe and enjoy your purchases.

Cheers to a wonderful and savvy shopping!



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