Organization = Less Stress

Ever wake up in the morning and spend a great amount of time figuring out what to wear?

Did you spend an hour sorting your dirty laundry from lights, darks, etc.

Here are some time saving techniques that will help you organize which is less stress for YOU.

1. This is true weather comes on at exactly 11:15-7pm on your local station, if you need to be in bed before 11:00pm, then there is the National Weather Service online, which is extremely accurate.

2.Outfits for the Next Day:
 Now, that you got the weather, you can plan and coordinate your outfits for the week or just the next day. Saves you a lot of stress trying to figure what in the shower what to wear, and you will always be on time when it comes to work.

3. Inventory:
 I always do inventory when I see things get to mid point of use, in terms of laundry detergent, body wash, food staples, etc. some online places will actually check, if this is an item for reordering.

4. Cooking:
 Your kids or hubby wants those famous homemade Sunday pancakes on Tuesday, so you make a big batch on Sunday, freeze half so they can enjoy them all week.
Also, prepare at least three weekday meals on the weekends Sat. morning very early, and freeze them, all you have to do is put it in the microwave during the week.

5. Laundry Separation:
My aunt does this, she has specific days where she does darks, lights, and linens. Take it one step further and have separate hampers for darks, lights, and linens, saves so much time!!

Those are the five easy steps that will save you so much time and less stress.

Cheers to less stress!!!


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