What Really Turns Men OFF

There are tons of dating and matching shows, that tell women how to look our best to get the man of our dreams, etc.

However, we took an informal poll and asked men if looks are the only thing that men want in a relationship.

Our results:

1. Men don't like shallow women- grooming and self care is great but a true man want a women who can discuss the basics of current events, have a formal education, and are cultured.

2. Men can't stand women who lie, gossip, and nag!

3. Men no matter how rich they are, they can't stand a spend thrift-- men love women who have self control when it comes to spending.

4. Men especially if the man wants or already has children of his own, they can't stand a mean bitch, men often equate gentleness and femininity with nurturing and mothering qualities.

5. An entitled and ungrateful attitude-
We spoke to one man who was severely hurt because he got involved with a woman who felt she could always do better than him, and he was no slouch, the result when something better came along, he got ditched.

6. A woman who lacks self-esteem
Self- Esteem can be seen viewed in several ways poor hygiene, overly dependent on him for everything.

7. A woman who was sexually loose before she met him. Many men don't want to be with a porn star.

So ladies, getting bigger breasts, and flirting will only get you to first base, but men with substance want and need a little more.

Cheers to finding your soul mate!


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