Charity Spotlight: Ronald Mc Donald House/LLS

A few years ago, I had the pleasure through the Young Professional Society of LLS, to participate in an life altering experience.

What seemed so simple began me on a journey of everyday gratitude and humility. I decided to participate in a Summer Luau for the children at the Ronald McDonald House, these are children who come from all the world to seek NYC's excellent medical care.

I was in charge of decorations so,  I had brilliant colored pinatas and lei's and colorful napkins for these children. I was assisting to make this a great event not only for the children, but their families.

The other group was on the grilled getting the hot dogs, hamburgers ready, another had the play list of cheerful music.

As the children began to come in for the treat, I noticed that the brightly colored leis, they weren't wearing because one child told me " I have a condition, that makes me itch uncontrollably, when I wear things, like this." Another child with the brightest blue eyes could only be held by her parents, because her immune system was too fragile."

However, in spite of whatever "physical ailments" these children had, they still danced, ate, broke the pinata, and had a good time.

This experience completely changed my life forever, because things that I often take for granted like wearing a lei, or holding a baby, or eating a hamburger- these simple things could be the demise for another person.

A Sincere Thanks for LLS and The Ronald McDonald House for teaching me about simple gratitude.

Cheers to the Children and Families of The Ronald McDonald House!


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