Spring Pocket Book Check!

Now, that everyone has recovered from the holiday season.

We are moving into warmer weather and does that mean we open our pocket books and start to spend again?

Nope! Hopefully, if you were reading this blog for some time you would have booked your summer vacation in the Winter when rates were 50 % cheaper.

Online shopping is great however to save mega bucks:
1. Never have an account that stores your credit card information.
      1. If you are an impulsive shopper you may purchase something you would later regret.
      2. Identity theft- there are hackers who monitor certain algorithms on certain sites that would steal your credit card information.
      3. If you put something on a wait list especially with certain flash sites, when that item becomes available they would automatically deduct that from your account, not a good way to money manage.

2. Positive Side- Always shop when there are sales that give an additional extra percentage off.
I was able to get a wonderful trendy shirt, 2 maxi dresses, which were already on sale, then I had a code for an additional 20 off. Price check all this for under 50.00

3. Always go to clearance first!
I know the Derrick Lamb collection at Kohl's is on fire, however, you can still get the last designer Narcisco Rodriguez for 80 percent off, I scored a two dresses for $14.00 each, 2 tops for 9.80, and two skirts on of which is an evening skirt all for under $15.00 as well. And yes, I did get an additional 20 percent with no shipping costs for well under $100.00 and a $10.0 coupon.

4. Stick to a budget!
If you have 200.00 for your Spring/Summer budget stick to it. 
Certain things you should never pay more than $10.00 for that is flip flops, rubber is rubber, cotton tee shirts and tanks.
5. Trendy items:
Only buy a few and make certain it is below market value.
I love bright colors especially the floral look. So, I scored a fully lined satin blend floral jacket for 17.00 and a hot pink body con tank dress to go with it for 15.00.

6. Take inventory of what you have first!
I still have a pair of black silk cargo pants- goes great with that floral jacket and blouses I bought. Also, the blouses are great for office, meetings and networking and summer evening events.
Dresses, the dresses that I bought are excellent for the office, but I have a Marilyn polka dot dress from two seasons ago, who knew that would be a big trend now! I have tan cargo sun dress, excellent for summer barbeques.

7. Accessories: A black shrug, a light weight gold tone wrap, a blush sequin tank, also I had a voucher for Alex and Ani great crystal bead jewlery 50.00 for 100.00 of merchandise, two black crystal bangels for under $20.00 clearance!

So, for this year's Spring/ Summer I spent a total of 120.00, which was more than 75% off from last year!

Cheers to looking and feeling great for the Spring/Summer!


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