How to Assist a Caregiver

Many people in Boston, will now be faced with caring for a loved one. Caregiving is extremely hard on any family no matter what the illness.

However, as we all turned our attention to the patient and make certain that all of their needs are taken care, what happens to the caregivers?

Caregivers are extremely important because if not for them our patients would not have their needs met, and be comfortable during the course of their illness.

Caregivers especially those who are married go through periods of extreme denial, anger, and fear. This manifests differently in different people, many caregivers lash out at the patient or those whom they are closest with, because it is difficult, they feel robbed and hurt.

OK, these are some practical ways you can support caregivers:
1. Give them a call and let them vent- Don't take things personally if they start to scream or cry.
2. If it is a close family member, offer to "visit", while they go to hairdresser, spa, barber shop, or take time for themselves.
3. Prepare a Sunday Dinner with enough food that will last them for the week.
4. If a caregiver is out of town, then send them a monthly box of treats- that they will apprepricate.
5. When speaking to them focus on them- Ask them how they are doing?, How you can specifically help them.
6. Give them a gift certificate for a cleaning service- Molly Maid's, but make certain the cleaning fluids that they use wouldn't interact with patients health.
7. Join a local caregivers support group- they may have resources that you may not know about, and some of them have days where caregiver and patient can have outings.

Cheers to supporting our caregivers!


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