How to Cut Your Beauty Bill in Half

Spring has sprung, and you heard me say it that it is time to raid your beauty closet and get rid of all

of last seasons products!

As I reflect, last year I spent 50.00 on the latest eye shadows in a grouping only to wear 2 out of 10 colors that was offered.

Next lip gloss, I spent 14.00 a tube on the latest lip gloss, which added up to 48.00

Then, everyone was obsessing about Argan Oil, another 35.00

Get my point, close to over 300.00 for things that are not tangible.

So, here is how I and you can cut that beauty bill in half.

Sign Up for a Full Size-  Nail Polish Club, I highly recommend, for 20.00 a month you get the latest colors according to your profile, average price of nail polish is 8.75, so 9.00 multiplied by 3 is 27.00, savings- 7.00

Nature's Old- Fashion Lotion- Olive Oil, my mother used this on our skin growing up and for our hair, works wonder, especially if it is slightly warmed. So the next time Olive Oil is on sale at the grocery pick one up for your medicine cabinet 15.00 a bottle.

Eyeshadow- I choose individual eye shadows, that is sold at, I chose peach with a silver shimmer for the day, compliments all summer colors, and a darker eyeshadow for the night. Price Check: 5.00 for each eyeshadow, just enough for the season. During the Spring and Summer, mascara and eyeliner is a waste, no matter how good the product, it always runs.

Lip gloss- I scored big on this one, I bought 4 full sized tubes of, which is an all natural line in colors such as red, mocha, gold, and peach, all spring and summer colors. How much $18.00 for all four, can't beat that!

Face- I tried tons of products on my face from very high end to drugstore, and I am convinced, so long as you have a good tool such as an exfoliating mechanical brush, and use a daily wash with a moisturizer then you don't need the to break the bank with La Mer products. CVS has sales on Ole Olay exfoliating brush, does wonder, you can get it for under 40.00, Clarins brush is 194.00, you decide.

Feet- Spring and Summer are all about sandals and wedges. I bought a ConAir Hydro Sport Foothbath for 20.00, my favorite foot scrub for 14.00 and that nail club had a sale on pedicure products so I was able to score those products a foot file and lotion for all under 15.00.

Face Masks- I know someone is rolling there eyes because they need to go to spa for a weekly facial, So, boil a pot of water, your facial pot throw in some lavender seeds, and steam your face, like our grandmother's did, and for a great mask, get some Oats and squeeze 3 juices of a lemon and put that on your face, works wonders!

Let's reflect last year's beauty bill for Spring and Summer over 300.00, this year's season's beauty bill, less than 125.00.

Cheers to looking and feeling great at a fraction of the cost!


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