Deals for Your Teen Girls

Teen Young Women love to shop, from my niece she is always talking about the latest fashions from Teen Vogue to Seventeen, etc.

However, you want to give your daughter a little indulgences. However, you need to set boundaries and starting her with a budget, this teaches her responsibility and the value of money. Most teens would say look at what you have, no matter your income level, and make comparisons to you and her. However.  tell her she has got to go to school and work in order to afford  your designer clothing.

Here are our finds:

Forever 21 finds:
There are great deals the maxi skirt that you see the legs only is only 12.00, hot pants she can wear for the season is only $10.00, graphic tees are $15.00, and tank maxi dresses in stripes, racer backs, are only 17.00 max.
Accessories: Fedora hats are $12.00, and get jewelery that teen appropriate she can get all for under 20.00- earrings, necklaces, and bracelets.

Teens should have really beautiful skin so I am not recommending BB creams or foundations for teens. But, what I am recommending are roller ball perfume pens Juicy Couture has them 3 for 35.00, the latest bright eye shadows if you buy them singular they are 5.00 each give her a limit of only 3. Lip gloss, Sephora brands have high octane lip gloss for only $14.00 again limit her- pink, peach, and purple.

When they have there 3 day sale take her and limit two pairs one a sandal, one a going out wedge.

Flip flops, tees and tanks, she can all get for under 30.00 collectively!

Cheers to making you and your teen happy for Spring/Summer!


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