Decadent Desserts from Box Mixes for Spring Celebrations

There are certain people who are gifted in baking.

They can get the right measurements and ratios to baking soda to salt to chocolate, you got the picture.

Personally, we are not that gifted so I resort to box mixes, as we are in the thick of wedding season, then BBQ's and other summer events, what do you do for dessert?

We bought a couple of box mixes and experimented.

1. Ghiradelli Dark Chocolate Brownie Mix-
We added milk chocolate chips for that added sweetness  and toasted coconut flakes. We also used two boxes instead of one and doubled the recipe according to boxes baking instructions.
What came out was thick rich brownies that you can serve with a rum based drink, to pick up on toasted coconut.

2. Krustaez Pecan Bars:
Pecan Bars are delicacy, we added our own twist to the box mix, by adding already shelled pecans and toasting them in butter and Bourbon, then adding them to the mix.
Wow! Serve with a Mint Julep for Kentucky Derby.

3. Krustaez Crumb Cake:
Crumb Cake you think grandma, not if you add whipped  ricotta cheese to the batter, it comes out extremely decadent and rich. Serve at brunch with Kona Coffee from Hawaii excellent.

4. Any Chocolate Cake Mix:
Chocolate Cake Mix, there are alot of things you can do with chocolate cake, however, we found by adding Kahlua and caramel sauce- you know the kind you pick up from the Ice- Cream shop and frost it with plain chocolate icing. This can increase any chances for love making tonight.

OK, those are our picks, of course we did this before going on our Spring Detox.

Cheers, to Decadent Desserts!


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