The BJ's Challenge

One can't ignore the fact that millions of Americans go hungry everyday.

Many of them are hard working, who have jobs; however when it comes time to pay rent or eat, many choose rent.

Several people have argued that who need to be "wealthy" to eat a plant based healthy diet.

We happen to disagree, one day while we were shopping, I noticed that BJ's was packed and many of the patrons were obese with bags of BBQ chicken wings, onion rings, cookies, were in their carts.

I asked the clerk, why was the store so packed and she told me EBT or SNAP day. Many of the patrons were on food benefits, but the choices of foods were extremely poor and was furthering any existing conditions.

So, we took the EBT, BJ's challenge for $200.00- the monthly allowance what healthy foods could we buy:

1. 8 boxes of Whole Grain Pasta
2. 2 packages of 16 Whole Wheat Rolls.
3. 2 20oz. containers of Plain Greek Yogurt
4. 1 sack of Onions
5. 3 packages of fresh Portabella Mushrooms
6. 2 packages of Fresh Organic Spinach
7. 1 32oz. container of Bolthouse Green Smoothie
8. 3 packages of frozen organic veggies
9. 2 packages of small tortillas
10. Turmeric, Garlic, and Paprika
11. 1 32 oz. of Organic Agave Nectar
12. 1 62 oz. box of whole wheat pancake mix
13. 1 bag of apples
14. 1 bag of lentils and dried kidney beans
15. 3 lbs. of turkey meat
16. 2 organic whole chickens
17. 2 lbs. of fish

We ate quite well and healthy and leftover in our pantry for the next month, so yes you can eat well while in a temporary economic situation.

Cheers to Eating Healthy for Less


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